Awakening Project

Creative brief here.

This conference was being held at the Dreamcenter, downtown Los Angeles. The event had unique challenges - firstly design, fabricate and test out our concept remotely, cover a vast amount of space with color, and transition the main conference space into a reception space in a matter of minutes.

The two areas of the space that we focused on – the parking structure and the foyer leading into the inner hall. These two areas of interest projected the highest amount of foot traffic thus delivering the most visual impact. The parking structure was unique in the sense that it was a cold and dark space, and the requirement was to make it inviting, colorful, and festive. It also had to double as a dining area, reception area, and general conference area. Our main idea was to add color to the space by painting huge sheets of tyvek and hang these sheets like wallpaper. The tyvek wallpaper covering was applied to the entire parking level space and foyer of the conference hall. This branded the environment visually and also matched the marketing theme.

The other project was figuring out how to transform the space in the parking lot area from open casual space to dining area. Walls and dividers were used in the space to help direct and divide traffic and provide a large wall surface for chalk wall art (another piece that tied the event together conceptually). The mobile walls were constructed so that they can be recycled throughout the life of the conference. Wheels were added and both sides of the walls were used by simply rotating the structure.




Art & Creative Direction

